Quick Chiropractic and General Health Back-to-School Tips

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The school season is here once again; it is both an exciting and busy time for parents. Sending the kids off to their first day of school is a proud moment for all parents.

But it is not easy work. Preparing the kids for school means you have to ensure their good health and safety at all times.

According to Dr. Lauren’s Love and Chiropractic, chiropractic care has been shown to boost your child’s immune system by ensuring your child’s nervous system is functioning at 100%.

Follow this chiropractic back to school tips that will help protect your kid’s growing spine.

Tip #1: Choose the right backpack.

Picking a new school bag is one of the exciting moments kids always look forward to comes the beginning of a new school season.

As a responsible parent, you have to make sure your kids don’t just get the backpack they want and need.

Wearing improper backpacks can cause headaches, shoulder pain, and lower back discomfort in children.

The American Chiropractic Association recommends these backpack safety tips for school-aged children:

Your kid’s backpack must weigh no more than 5 to 10 percent of his or her body weight and should never hang more than four inches below the waistline.
Make sure that pointy or bulky objects are packed in safety compartments and away from the area that will rest on your child’s back.

Kids should wear both shoulder straps to avoid the disproportionate shift of weight to one side.
Choose backpacks with wide, padded straps that can be adjusted to fit your child’s body.

Tip #2: Pack healthy lunch meals and snacks.

If you are used to letting your kids buy their lunches at school, it’s high time you start taking control of what goes into your kid’s meals to protect their health.

Don’t forget to take a few minutes out of your busy daily schedule to prepare healthy lunch meals and school snacks.

The team of Chiropractors at First Choice Chiropractic suggests replacing the sugary treats in your kid’s snack box with food that contains energy-boosting nutrients.

These include butter, homemade fruits, and vegetable chips, plain popcorn, hummus, granola bars, frozen fruit, overnight oats, and cracker sandwiches.

Tip #3: Keep your kids hydrated.

Proper hydration is essential, especially for kids. Ensure your kids drink an adequate amount of water to rehydrate every day, whether at school or home.

As a general rule, children should drink the number of 8-ounce cups of water equal to their age, with a maximum of 64 ounces of water for children over the age of 8—CHOC Children’s.

These amounts do not include other beverages that your child may consume in a day, such as milk and juice.

Getting your child to drink an adequate amount of water every day can be a challenge.

Research shows that adding flavor to water can increase the amount of fluid consumed voluntarily.

Get your kids to drink more water by adding a slice of lemon or lime or frozen fruit cubes into their drink.

Tip #4: Teach your kids the correct standing and sitting posture.

Teach your kids the correct standing and sitting posture.

Correct posture and chiropractic health go hand in hand. Back problems are common in adults who neglect the practice of good posture during their younger days.

It is important to teach your kids the proper way to have good posture as early as possible. When sitting at a desk, feet should stay flat on the floor, shoulders back, and the head over the top of the neck and shoulders.

If your kids use a tablet or computer as learning material, remember to place the electronics in a stand that tilts towards them. That way, the head isn’t leaning over the shoulders.

To assist with good spine development, equip your kid’s home study with ergonomic desks and chairs.

Tip #5: Prioritize a healthy sleeping routine.

It is important to note that a good night’s sleep will help your kids go through every school day with a great mood and energy.

Getting enough sleep heals and repairs the body from stress, common in kids during the back-to-school season.

Arranging a healthy sleeping routine with your child and sticking to it every night can help your child get a good night’s sleep, preferably lasting more than 8 hours a day.

Getting the right sleeping bed is a huge factor in achieving quality sleep. Check if your child’s bed mattress and covering provide comfort and correct body and spine support.

Tip #6: Let your kids join physical activities.

Kids are naturally active and act as if they have no limitations. While engaging in physical activities like sports can help with their body development, kids should be taught how to care for their bodies properly.

The Joint Chiropractic suggests that kids should take time to warm up and cool-down stretches, keep workouts reasonable for their physical fitness, and perform different activities to avoid repetitive injuries.

Tip #7: Schedule a regular visit to a trusted professional.

To keep track of your child’s spine health, don’t forget to take your child to a regular visit with a trusted pediatric chiropractor.

A healthy spine promotes the nervous system’s proper functioning, which is highly essential for your child’s proper growth and development.

Bringing your school-aged children to a licensed pediatric chiropractor will help correct back problems before they get worse.

Other notable benefits of pediatric chiropractic care to children are improved sleep, better behavior, and a stronger immune system.

Your child’s health and safety must always remain your top priority. Regardless of how busy you may get at home or the office, remember to always check on your children’s needs or have problems at school.


Following this chiropractic back to school tips will help your kids enjoy their days at school and improve their academic performance.

All you need is take the time and effort to get all the work done, and you’ll experience that additional peace of mind.

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